Thursday, May 12, 2005

Wow, two days in a row . . .

i feel much better. not one hundred percent, but better. (tho now my back is acting up on me. man it stinks getting old.) i even attempted going to work today but alas, now the boy has pink eye. so, instead i stayed home with him and manhandled some drops into his eyes. he should be right as rain in a day or two.

he naps now. i just finished the paper for my chinese class final. my wife's boss's wife actually is coming to sit with the boy until my class finishes. he might just sleep through the whole thing and be none the wiser. if you go to the homepage link you'll find a link to download the slideshow movie and the paper from whence i shall present in a mere hour or two. it's not much to look at but i figure if you've made it this far you might just be crazy enough to check it out.

i also managed to pay my george lucas tax today. yep, i've already purchased tix for episode III, the midnight show on wednesday to be exact. as much as i tried to avoid it i've been sucked back into the hype like a tractor beam from a star destroyer. i actually feel hope welling within me that this movie might possibly be good. let alone not stink like yesterday's poopy diaper. so i will lose a good night's sleep. i have already coughed over the money (i did get student discount rates!! take that lucas!). and i will also be required to purchase the dvd when it comes out. i'm glad this is the last one. . .

thanks for all the well wishes for feeling better! they worked.

for an even more interesting read: check out nixy's thoughts as he gets to know his new daughter and soak up everything he can while in China. i've posted the link to his blog on the right.


At Thu May 12, 01:20:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nixie's blog is FABULOUS! Glad you are feeling better and hope Isaac is soon! Best of luck on your final! Lucky you only had one...

At Thu May 12, 06:35:00 PM PDT, Blogger Clay said...

I'm glad you've decided to sell out with the rest of us Jake. At least from what I've seen the new SW movies looks better than the last two. My only thought is that it will be nothing more than showy computer tricks . . . like the Matrix (Which is so obviously fake).

Anyway, Get better. I don't like it when my friends are sick.



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