Monday, April 25, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play


At Mon Apr 25, 07:31:00 AM PDT, Blogger jaynalm said...

Aren't you supposed to be at Princeton? Is that in the city?! It's cool that you got to see Charles, though. I would have liked to hear the sound of honking taxicabs in the background of what you were saying. Did you meet my friend Julie Cattano?

At Mon Apr 25, 03:58:00 PM PDT, Blogger KDCNMorales said...

so how do you post an audio blog from afar? i've gotta know! the weather here is crappy...

At Mon Apr 25, 08:56:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing in such a wonderful experience... now I never have to actually go myself!!!

At Tue Apr 26, 11:51:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

live vicariously? bullocks! you were in manhattan and you didn't even get out of the car! i bet your windows weren't even rolled down! who goes to manhattan and doesn't at least go into tiffany's and see the tiffany's yellow diamond? who goes to manhattan and doesn't eat ice cream (or frozen hot chocolate) at serendipity? who goes to manhattan and doesn't go to THE dean&deluca in Chelsea where "felicity" (rest in peace, dear show) was filmed? who goes to manhattan and doesn't at least pee in the bathrooms of the plaza hotel? geeze! how do we even know you were really in manhattan? maybe it's all sound effects...

At Tue Apr 26, 10:08:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jake- greetings from soggy Kansas. I added you onto my blog list, I hope that's okay. Attemptablog- making it's debut in Lawrence!


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