Thursday, May 19, 2005

i am a (tired) nerd

so the show is fun. i had fun. go see it. i'll see it again. i might actually look forward to my required DVD purchase now. i almost feel a bit sad that this is it. no more movies. but i had more fun hanging out with jason2. the "show" outside of the show wasn't nearly as entertaining as it could have been. folks were a bit too subdued for my taste. i mean, if we're all going to be up and out this late on a school/work night, then better make it worth my time. but, it was relatively tame.

one major spoiler - i didn't know anakin grew up to be frankenstien!!! (after you see the show let me know if that comment makes sense.)

maybe i'll go see it again several weeks from now and dress up as a wookie THEN. or, instead, i'll do the wookie thing but see herbie reloaded . . .


At Thu May 19, 04:11:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear... just take pictures

At Thu May 19, 09:50:00 PM PDT, Blogger Clay said...

I want to go dressed as finding Nemo.

At Mon May 23, 07:22:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll go dressed as an ewok. the budget-version of a wookiee. for being such a fan it's amazing you don't know the correct spelling...

At Mon May 23, 11:58:00 AM PDT, Blogger jake said...

oh, artie. you are so particular. who knows the correct spelling of wookiee?

i think you, the bigger nerd, may be.


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