Wednesday, August 17, 2005

quick update

i've added a few short movies we took with our digital camera over the last two weeks. not very high quality and rough around the edges but you can see life in action around here. go to the journey to joy files link to the right and you should be able to download and view them.

quick update on the end of our wednesday. the massage place we went to was even better then the one in changsha though no one was folded in half. the gal that worked on me marveled at my pale white and soft skin. yep, that's me. tall, pale, soft.


At Wed Aug 17, 10:15:00 AM PDT, Blogger KDCNMorales said...

but are we not all soft and pale? as Americans, that is? Mei Mei still stares at us from time to time...

At Wed Aug 17, 11:24:00 AM PDT, Blogger Michelle :) said...

haha what a world we live in! You have succeeded in successfully updating us constantly on your China progress- you win the gold! Love you guys! P.S. Last night, during "Isaac Squirrel", you thought... since there was only a little tape left in the tape, to play a song for Isaac. The almost sleeping almost three year old was furious when "Woody's RoundUp" blared from the tape player. He screamed "NO" b/c he thought Auntie Em or Chelle had changed the tape. Tip for future China trips: no woody's roundup @ bed time. haha- it was classic!

At Wed Aug 17, 11:56:00 AM PDT, Blogger Michelle :) said...

the culture is soo different! I cannot wait to see more vids, hear stories, and see pics!!!! It was almost worse seeing you "live" because it made me miss you MORE! Give kisses for me and prep Joy for your "crazy friend!"


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