the journey's begun
we're in wichita now. i'm ripping movies to the hard drive (who would've ever thought 100Gb would be too little space?) and recording some more bedtime stories for grandma to play for the boy while we are gone. currently, the boy is ecstatic to be here. i think the way things will fall we'll head to the airport during his nap time on wednesday. even remotely thinking about saying goodbye to him makes my stomach sink. it'll probably be better for both of us to have him sleeping when we have to leave.
i think once we get on the plane and i've been severed from my boy like a band-aid ripped off the skin i'll be free to truly anticipate meeting my daughter. one thing at a time. i do the same thing when i eat. one thing at a time. for now, it's good to have a couple days to settle before launching into the marathon first leg of the journey on wednesday (30 hours non-stop traveling before we get to our hotel in changsha). the second leg of the journey will be shorter but will have more adventure. i hear chinese driving is an acquired taste. good thing i'll have 8 hours solid to get used to it!
but, i'll keep you posted as we go, no?
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